We headed down to London on the 30th and met up with my friend Emma (from Japan) and her fiance at a motorway stop. Not such a glamorous location for lunch, but a good opportunity to meet and catch up. We met up with Rosie and Jim headed off to train with a jitsu club.
Rosie, Elizabeth and I went to a delicious Vietnamese restaurant for dinner and then hung around the flat cleaning and catching up. Daddy got home late and was exhausted from running to training, training for 2 hours, having a pint, and then running home.
On New Year's Eve, we met up with Rosie and took Elizabeth to Hamley's, the enormous toy store in central London. Elizabeth was suitably impressed, as were Mommy and Daddy, and we purchased a xylophone for the bath and a Little Miss Trouble book.
Then we headed off to Sam and Kate's for New Year's Eve. We had delicious curry and champagne with old friends. Lizzy went to bed early, Mommy headed to bed at 3 and Daddy made it all the way to 6:30. On New Year's Day, we all went to the pub for lunch and then watched movies and just hung out.
On the 2nd, we checked out the Spitalfields Market. It is a really cool new area with lots of flats around the market area and shops. After that, we had dinner with Granny, Grandad, Rosie and my friend Liz, from Japan. Then Liz, Rosie and I went to see Manon at the English National Ballet.
Daddy got really sick that night and was coughing a lot (later to be the virus that we assume Elizabeth caught). He had to sleep in, but the rest of us went to Borough Market. Borough Market is famous for fresh foods like cheese, homemade breads and vegetables.
The flight home was uneventful except the start of Lizzy's illness and the loss of our luggage...again.
Jim has spent some time making claims for the luggage. We got money from British Airways for all the items we bought and United is replacing two bags and repairing one. Good one, Daddy!
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