Sunday, April 27, 2008

Nursery decorations

A surprise package containing wall hangings and a valence for Elizabeth’s nursery was put to use this weekend. The theme of yellow, green and brown has been continued from before she had a confirmed gender. There is now a turtle (tortoise), bee, dragonfly and caterpillar to be gazed at. Thank you auntie Amanda!

Elizabeth’s “tummy time” proved contagious, daddy joined in with the exercises. Her neck muscles are developing well but she is still content to read the safety label on the pack n play for long periods of time.

Everybody is pleased that Elizabeth is sleeping in a bassinet in her parent’s bedroom and lasting for up to four hours between feedings at night. She tends to make up for it in the daylight hours and is gaining weight well.

The weather has continued to be blissful although a frost is possible tonight. Surely the last one of the year.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

One Week Old

3 am Thursday morning marked Elizabeth's first complete week. A milestone came the same afternoon when she had her first "tummy-time" and showed that she can lift her head and turn it from one side to the other.

Feeding continues to go well, about 8 times per day, more frequently in the daylight hours.

Mummy (Mom) is recoving quickly and went for a stroll aroung the neighbourhood this morning, with Elizabeth and Grandma in tow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Elizabeth's First Week

The slideshow has been expanded and has comments. ->>

The sun is shining, the daffodils are blooming, blossom is on the trees and runners are out on the street getting ready for the mini marathon next weekend. The newly expanded family's first outing was a stroll winding between the freshly mowed lawns of the neighbourhood shorthly before sunset.

Elizabeth had her first bath on Monday. She wasn't convinced about how much fun bathing is, perhaps she'll enjoy the next one more. Grandma videod and photographed the whole experience. Daddy wonders how amatuer the parents must look. It will be fun to review the movie in a few months.
Maggie has plotted Elizabeth on growth charts and she's roughly at the 50th percentile for length, weight and head circumference although she is above the 95th percentile for cuteness.
Breast feeding is going very well, typically every three hours. Maggie, Jim and Grandma are taking it in turns to change, cuddle and fuss over Elizabeth through the night. She is starting to get comfortable with being left on her back, but she still prefers a cuddle.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Elizabeth's Birth

Elizabeth Maggie was born at 3am on Thursday, April 17th 2008. She came into the world kicking and screaming with wide alert eyes to her mother and father's joy and delight. She weighed 7 lb 14.8 oz and measured about 20.5 inches from head to toe.

Earlier that evening Maggie baked cookies to bribe the nurses, went for a walk, had a bath and then got down to some serious laboring.

Good fitness and excersizes from the Bradley Method of natural child birth seemed to have helped a lot. Maggie was happy to be able to give birth without any pain medication after just two hours in hospital.

Here at the bottom there might be a slideshow that requires flash... (4/23/2008) this has been replaced by a slideshow at the top, with more pictures.