Sunday, October 7, 2012

1/2 Birthdays

Mommy really wanted to eat cake today, so luckily it was Katherine's half birthday and we had 1/2 of the Hello Kitty left to eat.  Defrosted, 4 candles for Lizzy and 2 for Katherine.  Yum!

Klingendes Museum Berlin

Today I decided to take advantage of living in a big international city.  It is easy to get into your routine and forget to be a tourist in your own town. So,  I found an open day at the Klingendes Museum Berlin, where they had about 60 different instruments available for children to try.  We arrived to a cacophony of string, brass and percussion instruments.  The girls were overwhelmed at first, but after waiting for ages for a turn on the drums, they came into their own.  Lizzy particularly liked the trumpet made out of a tube and funnel.  Katherine liked the giant recorder (which I am sure has a proper name).