We finally got our bags delivered to Woodhouse Eaves on Christmas Eve at about 8 pm. So we scrambled to wrap presents before heading to the Wheatsheaf for the traditional Christmas Eve pint. The pub was busy, but Elizabeth was happy to check out the revelers for a bit. Christmas morning came late as Mommy and Daddy had been sleeping in. We had a nice breakfast and opened presents. Elizabeth, having had some practice in Indy and since arrival in England, was more successful at tearing the paper off her presents. She received some lovely gifts and put them all in her mouth! Granny made an amazing Christmas day feast and we all gorged ourselves. Later, we went to visit Great-Granny and Great-Grandad and wish them a happy Christmas. Overall, it was a memorable first Christmas for Elizabeth, Daddy and Mommy. On Boxing Day (December 26th), Rosie, Jim and I decided to enter a running race. We ran a six mile course organized by the Barrow runners, which is apparently a quite famous running club in England. I complained much afterwards about the hills on the course and insisted I was lied to the day before when I was told it wasn't hilly. Rosie maintained that it wasn't and I had to admit to myself that I no longer live near the mountains, but rather near cornfields. Everyone had a good race: Jim 40 minutes Maggie 48 minutes Rosie 50 minutes. But Rosie won a bottle of wine for being the first female across the finish line. Well done! That night, we went to Auntie Diane and Uncle Simon's house. Auntie Diane made delicious food and we had a chance to see lots of family. Elizabeth had fun playing with Sophie and trying to catch the cat and we all celebrated Christmas together. The next few days were spent around Woodhouse Eaves, seeing family and friends and doing more runs on the hills. I had to somehow burn off all the delicious homemade mince pies, shortbread, bread, christmas cake... Elizabeth had another chance to visit her great-grandparents before heading down to London for the rest of the holiday.
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