"Mommy has Urlaub" Lizzy told Katherine. Explaining that she had gone on Holiday to visit friends in Prague and buy shoes(?).
Daddy decided to see how tough it really is. First he had the girls put their dishes away.
That went well. So he directed the girls to do the washing up and map the floor.
Of course, they soon got tired of that but Daddy explained that a change is as good as a rest. So they swapped jobs.
Then it was time for Lizzy to wash the paint out of Katherine's hair. Not because daddy had them do a spot of painting, that would be ridiculous. The paint was from hugs at Kita during art time.
Very tired, Lizzy tucked Katherine into bed. She hardly needed a story after all that housework. A kiss and a hug seal the deal for a trouble free night dreaming of marching mops and Cinderella stories.
Lizzy put herself to bed and started prepping for a early career as a children's story writer. Daddy should be able to retire in no time.