Saturday, May 14, 2016

What happened to the Curious Snowman?

A flashback from winter. The warming sun created this puzzling phenomenon. The next day was very sunny and there seemed to have been a snowman massacre when I got home...melting heads and torsos scattered around the estate.

construction phase:

First full Monopoly

We are just old enough to play our first game of original Monopoly. It only took 5 days to finish. 
Guess who won?

Autie Rosie visited for Lizzy's 8th birthday at Tropical Islands

Celebrate 8 at school, at home and at TI. The usual...

And below, a shot of Kate's 6th birthday Tea Party, very fancy. Thanks to our neighbors for lending us a long table.

Binz on the Baltic Island of Ruegen

Last weekend we drove up to Binz and had a fantastic time...sun, sea, sand, running in the Biosphere reserve, an organised road bike ride, BBQ with friends and flying our kite on the beach. I was having too much fun to take many pictures.

Binz is very close to the ruins of a never-used sprawling Nazi holiday resort called Prora. Part of their pre-war Strength Through Joy campaign "Kraft durch Freude". The crumbling ruins are a bizarre example of...something.