We took the train (1st class!) up to Loughborough. Surprisingly, Lizzy wasn't as excited as I was to have coffee, sparkling water and pastries on the train. She looked out the window for cows and sheep and took all the sugars and creamers out of the container. Katherine slept.
In the Midlands, we went to visit extended family. We went to the Melton-Mowbray Farm Market where they auction off the farm animals. Lizzy was fascinated and kept asking to go back to see the cows. On the way there, Lizzy got carsick all over the rental car. Nasty. We washed all over her seat (including hosing out the base) and Katherine's as well because she was sitting next to Lizzy.
On the way back from the farm, we stopped at a pick-your-own strawberry field. The strawberries were amazing and Lizzy really enjoyed them!
Katherine basically slept through everything in the Moby.