I see it has been a month since I have blogged and people are probably interested in seeing some up to date photos of Lizzy. We have been busy. We went out to Arizona to visit Uncle Patrick, Aunt Amanda, Cousins Drew and Allen and Grandma and Grandpa. Lizzy had fun playing with her cousins, checking out the neighborhood, going to the zoo, and trying out the bike trailer. She also got a new hiking backpack from Grandma and Grandpa which Daddy wore for one hike and Mommy wore for two more. We are looking forward to using it often for camping and hiking.
Since we got back from AZ, we have been busy searching out a daycare for Lizzy because I am going back to work mid-April. We think we have finally found something that we will be happy with and we will probably sign up for that on Monday.
Lizzy has been battling with the emergence of a couple new teeth on top. Hope to get a picture of her new smile. She went all the way up the stairs a couple nights ago with Daddy following closely behind. Now if she will just eat table foods and take a few steps, then she will not have to go into the infant room at the childcare!