Elizabeth seems to have been growing and developing very quickly over the past few weeks. Yesterday, she rolled over several times from her back to her front. Now she can roll both ways with ease. She is a supported sitter and she can sit for a while without any help and will also reach for toys. Both parents are so proud!! She slept last night without the assistance of her Miracle Blanket (a.k.a. straitjacket) and she seems to be waking from naps and sleep to play in her crib for a bit without screaming out, " Where is everybody?" She is falling in love with her Berea blanket, just like Jay, Amelia, Drew and Allen. However, last night there was much screaming for unknown reasons. We went through the checklist and eventually decided she must be teething, or in some other sort of pain. Daddy administered some Tylenol and Elizabeth fell asleep soon thereafter. No teeth sprouted overnight.

Yesterday, Elizabeth and Daddy came to watch me do my first race since delivery. It was a trail run on the local mountain bike trail (where I crashed on Labor Day and currently have a cracked rib...self-diagnosis). I finished 2nd in my age group, with a very good time for a 5K because they altered the course and it was actually shorter than 3.1 miles!! Daddy finished a 7 mile mountain bike race in the torrential downpour today. He entered in the intro/beginner category and came in first place by several minutes! His time will be difficult to compare to the sport and elite categories as they competed earlier with very little rain on their first 2 laps. Elizabeth was snug in the Moby Wrap while Daddy cruised through mud puddles. Another relaxing weekend in the Towe Multisport household.